Digital Accountant

ZOHO Books Masterclass

Prepared by Rita Krekovska ACMA, CGMA

| Published on March 25, 2023

Zoho Books is just a little piece in a whole puzzle. ZOHO provides multiple apps that will help you to manage not only Finance side of the business but also projects, inventory, customer service, people and much more.

About ZOHO Books Tutorial

In this Zoho Books Tutorial I am running my Event Organising and Planning Business. I am using a real business as a sample to showcase the ways of recording transactions, managing items, issuing estimates and invoices and many more features on Zoho Books accounting software.

Tutorial Summary

In this tutorial I am covering:

-) Intro, Registration process

-) Settings 💡

-) Amending Chart of Accounts

Create list of items (adding Products and/or Services)

Banking (adding new bank account, recording opening balances, uploading bank statements)

Adding Customers  

All about Sales (Estimates, Invoices, Recurring Invoices) 

How to issue Credit Notes & Allocate to Customer invoices (if necessary) 

Allocate received customer payments to Invoices and reconcile Bank for incoming payments (Deposits)

All about Purchases (Adding Suppliers, recording expenses, recording supplier invoices, converting uploaded receipts as expenses (AutoUpload) and reconciling bank for outgoing payments (withdrawals)) 

Recording Journals (for adjustments, corrections and standard journals like Payroll postings) 

All about Reports (Did I make a PROFIT or LOSS?)

More info

You can check this software here –

If you have any questions or need further advice, feel free to reach out to me via email:

By Rita Krekovska ACMA, CGMA

Rita is Chartered Management Accountant and online influencer known as Digital Accountant.